Seminary Strives to Ease Student Financial Burdens
DALLAS, TX — In celebration of the school’s centennial anniversary and in recognition of the significant financial burden for students in higher education, Dallas Theological Seminary proudly launches three major scholarship initiatives, including ten full-tuition scholarships. This added financial assistance enables DTS to continue pursuing its mission to equip godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of God’s Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.
Scholarships from the William B Dean, MD, Pastor Formation Fellowship affirm DTS’s historic emphasis on clear preaching of the Bible. Two cohorts of Master of Theology (ThM) students—ten new and ten current students—will receive mentoring from DTS faculty, invitations to preach in DFW-area churches, and opportunities for worship and service together. Fellowship members are granted a 50% tuition discount (with the final twenty-four credit hours of the degree covered at a 100% discount), a $500 per month living stipend, and guaranteed on-campus housing. Vice President for Education George Hillman is excited about this “Christ-centered cohort community” that will journey together through “life-on-life relationships; the centrality of the Word, prayer, and worship; and the development of essential pastoral ministry skills, all with a core focus on spiritual formation, expository preaching, and pastoral leadership.”
The ten Centennial Full-Tuition Scholarships widen the scope of future ministry roles to benefit students in the seminary’s flagship four-year ThM program and ten other master’s programs. The scholarships will help students prepare for a variety of ministry contexts.
And finally, one hundred additional full-tuition ThM scholarships are available to new international students. Recipients of The 100 Global Leaders ThM Scholarship will study online with an alumni mentor for two years and then complete the second two years in residence on the Dallas campus. “What’s unique about the global leaders scholarship,” says Voltaire Cacal, Senior Director of International Student Development & Formal Language Programs, “is the vision to work alongside the global church in equipping and encouraging already kinetic servant-leaders who desire to do more in and from their part of the world.”
“These initiatives represent DTS’s commitment to train expositors of God’s Word for the local church and equip men and women in all areas of ministry,” says DTS’s president, Dr. Mark Yarbrough. John Dyer, Vice President for Enrollment Services and Educational Technologies, agrees: “Each of these scholarships shows DTS’s commitment to serving the diverse needs of the body of Christ, from upholding the seminary’s historic commitment to expository preaching in the local church to equipping counselors, teachers, writers, chaplains, and artists to participate in God’s work around the world.” Prospective students interested in these scholarships can apply for consideration by submitting their admissions application for Fall 2024 by April 15, 2024, at
About Dallas Theological Seminary
Established in 1924, Dallas Theological Seminary’s founding mission to equip students in all sixty-six books of the Bible now lives on through its faculty, students, and alumni. During our centennial year in 2024, we’re grateful for our history and hopeful for a future of continuing to teach truth and love well.