34% of Evangelicals Are Loyal to a Single Denomination

Nov 12, 2024

EXPORT, PENNSYLVANIA – A recent study reveals that seven out of ten evangelical churchgoers are no more loyal to their denomination than they are to their favorite brand of toilet paper.

This insight is part of a comprehensive report by Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts titled Denominational Loyalty: What Churches Can Learn from Consumer Brands, which surveyed 820 evangelical Protestants in early 2024.

According to the study, 34% of evangelicals would consider attending only one specific denomination of church (including non-denominational). Another 43% express a preference for one denomination but remain open to exploring others.

Key findings from the research include:

  • Diverse Attendance: Eight out of ten evangelical churchgoers have attended multiple churches during their adult lives.
  • Denomination Awareness: 8% are uncertain about the denomination of their current church.
  • Loyalty Trends: Approximately half of evangelical churchgoers have consistently attended only one denomination (or a non-denominational church) throughout adulthood.

The study also draws a comparison between church loyalty and brand loyalty across ten consumer categories, revealing that 49% of evangelicals exhibit greater loyalty to certain consumer brands than to their church denomination.

“People form perceptions of churches and denominations whether or not those organizations try to guide and influence those perceptions,” says Mark Dreistadt, president and CEO of Infinity Concepts. “Brand happens, with or without you. There are many ways people form perceptions of your organization that can be channeled in positive ways with only moderate effort.”

Ron Sellers, president of Grey Matter Research, emphasizes that perceptions of your church are formed regardless of your efforts to intentionally craft a brand.

“Churches and denominations need to ask themselves why most evangelicals are no more loyal to their denomination than they are to favorite brands of toothpaste or deodorant,” he explains. “Do they even know what their denomination stands for and what makes it different from others, or is it just a word on the church sign?”

“Denominations, ministries, and individual churches can learn a lot from consumer brands when it comes to developing a stronger connection among their constituents, as we detail in the report.”

To explore the complete findings, download Denominational Loyalty: What Churches Can Learn from Consumer Brands.


To schedule an interview with Mark Dreistadt or Ron Sellers, email Clem Boyd, Director of Public Relations, at clem@infinityconcepts.com or text or call him at 724.930.4003.

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