Global Church Network Celebrates Opening of 200th Hub for Worldwide Evangelism Training

Sep 24, 2024

Multiplication Impact of Ministry Training Hubs – Reaching 800 by 2030 – Essential to FINISH the Great Commission in this Generation

ORLANDO, Florida — With a mission to finalize the Great Commission by 2030, Global Church Network (GCN) has set a goal of establishing 800 leadership training hubs worldwide in order to mobilize one million new ministers at a time when there is a global shortage of pastors. With the grand opening of Hubs in both the Balkans and South Africa this month, GCN will have launched 200 Hubs on six continents, putting the ministry on track to exceed its goal within this decade.

“Just like airline companies and major corporations have their hubs, the Church should have ‘Global Hubs of Christianity,’” said Dr. James O. Davis, founder/president of GCN, the largest pastors’ network in the world. “In order for us to equip and educate one million new ministers in the Body of Christ by 2030, we must move from production to reproduction, from addition to multiplication, which these hubs enable us to do.”

The Global Hubs of Christianity are launched at regional FINISH Summits (, international pastors’ gatherings convened to strategize for reaching their part of the world with the Gospel message. During each FINISH Summit, Hub leaders are trained and launch dates are set, with the number of Hubs launched reflecting the same number of nations represented at that FINISH Summit.

The Hubs are then connected with the Global Church Divinity School, making accredited online theological training available for the participants via a new partnership with Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Each GCN Hub “synergizes the best relationships, systemizes the finest training, strategizes for unreached people groups, and in some cases scripturalizes new Bible translations,” according to Davis. The Hubs begin to multiply after two years of training, compounding growth on a global scale.

The first Hub was launched at Word of Hope Church in Manila in 2012. Church founder Dr. David Sobrepena explains, “Once the Hub training is completed after two years, the Hub multiples to 2, 4 or 6 more Hubs in the nation, with new leaders being trained at each location. We are now ramping up to 100,000 plus leaders being trained per year in the Global Hubs of Christianity here in the Philippines.”

Today, GCN has Hubs in some of the world’s hardest to reach places, such as Guyana in the Amazon, and in the highest places such as Nepal’s Himalayan Mountains. In the United States, Hubs are identified as regional campuses of the Global Church Divinity School hosted by local churches throughout the nation.

Dr. Davis says, “Everything in the Global Church Network has a reason, rhythm and a ramp. Nothing is random. Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’ We are praying for the Lord to raise up more Hub trainers worldwide to help keep up with the growth of the Global Hubs of Christianity.”

Every Hub has a Hub Leader, a Hub Planning Committee, and two Hub trainers, who commit to visit the Hub four times – every six months over a two-year period. Over the two years, 30 courses are taught to the pastors and leaders who attend. Additionally, every Hub member receives complementary membership to GCDS, where they take the original 30 courses that are being taught by the two Hub trainers. GCN applies both an in-person and online approach. Upon the completion of the two years of training, graduation occurs with every pastor/leader receiving a diploma and a lifetime membership to GCDS.

On August 29-30, 2024, GCN hosted the FINISH East Africa Summit in Kampala, Uganda, where attendees set an audacious goal. Hundreds of pastors and leaders from eleven different nations synergized their efforts as East Africa co-chair Dr. Alex Mitala explained, “For months, missional leaders in East Africa worked to develop a multiplication plan for future Hubs and GCDS. Over the next eight years, we believe more than 40,000 Hubs will be established in East Africa, and more than 2 million Christian leaders will be trained through the Hubs and the GCDS. Our goal is for every church to become a Hub.”

Rev. Ejaz Nabie, Senior Pastor of Faith Assembly, Queens, New York, and FINISH 2030 Executive Director states, “The Global Hubs of Christianity serve as a powerful model of multiplying Christ-centered, Kingdom-Minded pastors and leaders toward the completion of the Great Commission.”

To learn more about Global Church Network, visit

About Global Church Network
Established in 2001, Global Church Network is a growing coalition of more than 2,750 Christian ministries and 700,000 churches synergizing their efforts together to build the premier community of pastors worldwide and has helped plant five million new churches for a billion-soul harvest. The Global Church Divinity School has helped train tens of thousands of Christian leaders since 2002. For more information, visit


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