In a City of 32 Million, the South Asia Ministry Center is Seeking Partners to Bring the Light of Christ into the Darkness and Reach the Lost with the Gospel

Jan 2, 2024

HARRISBURG, PA — ABWE, a global missions agency with a century-long legacy of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting, is launching a campaign to raise $1 million for a land purchase in a densely populated, spiritually needy city in the heart of the 10/40 Window for its South Asia Ministry Center.

The proposed ministry center would provide a permanent location for an already-thriving ministry among a population greatly in need of gospel witness. In this bustling city and its suburbs of more than 32 million, fewer than 10 percent are considered to be reached with the good news of Jesus Christ, and fewer than three percent profess genuine faith in Christ. Responding to the need, ABWE’s team, led by “Paul” (name changed for security), aims to establish a Christian witness among 20 of the local people groups and plant 30 nationally-led, biblical churches by 2030.

Once equipped with a new facility, the South Asia Ministry Center can expand its church planting initiatives within and outside the city, in addition to leadership development programs to train indigenous leaders to serve and reach their communities.

The center will also expand outreach potential for the team by providing necessary structure to existing programs, including the team’s compassion-based slum ministry, a child health and education program, and a program aimed at mentoring and mobilizing the metropolis’ 1.4 million university students.

Each of these important ministries provides gospel access to a cultural hub characterized by idol worship, superstition, and human suffering. Yet without a permanent base, these programs are at risk of dissolution. Phase one of the project begins with the land purchase—itself a feat in a densely-packed cityscape—to be followed by construction of the facilities all while the ABWE team’s ministry continues operations in the interim.

Addressing both the need and the opportunity, Paul urges prayer for “a center of our own, where we can continue to multiply, train leaders, and have this ability to send out more laborers into the unreached people groups here, all for the glory of God.”

The South Asia Ministry Center is a campaign led by ABWE’s Live Global ministry, which focuses on making disciples working through national partners, especially in creative access mission fields. Such indigenous ministry partners are often able to minister more effectively than traditional foreign missionaries, given their existing knowledge of local language and customs. Each partner adopted by Live Global undergoes rigorous screening and enters into mutual fellowship on equal footing with existing ABWE workers.

“This permanent structure will be a beacon of hope and provide gospel light to the population of this city, which has been incredibly hard to reach,” says Live Global Executive Director Andrew (last name withheld for security purposes). “We are excited about the work God has already done through existing ministry initiatives and to see how he will continue to do so through this new ministry center.”

Learn more by clicking here.

About ABWE
For nearly 100 years, ABWE has served the local church by mobilizing, supporting, and empowering missionaries who engage in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and partnership with national believers. As a global family of ministries, ABWE’s 1,000 missionaries are reaching 84 countries and countless people groups using a variety of ministries and skills to make an eternal impact in an ever-changing world.

For more information, please contact Alex Kocman, director of Communications and Media at ABWE, at or 717.909.2336.

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