Honoring Moody Bible Institute’s sixth president
CHICAGO, Ill — Moody Bible Institute announced today that Dr. George Sweeting died on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 99 years old. He served as president from 1971 to 1987, and then as Chancellor until the last day of the 20th century.
Dr. Sweeting received a diploma from Moody Bible Institute, his B.A. from Gordon College, and his Doctor of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Sweeting served as a pastor in several churches and also spent nine years traveling the world as an evangelist. He wrote numerous books, including The Joys of Successful Aging, Too Soon to Quit, Lessons from the Life of Moody, Don’t Doubt in the Dark, and most recently Full Circle: A Pictorial Autobiography of George & Hilda Sweeting (February 2022, Moody Publishers).
“George Sweeting was a man who followed after God with his whole heart, his whole mind, and all his strength. A pastor, evangelist, author, and former president of Moody Bible Institute, George ran his race well,” said Randall Payleitner, vice president and publisher of Moody Publishers. “I saw how deeply he loved and cared for his wife and family, too. Living to almost 100 years old, George is now in glory with his Savior, Jesus Christ. We miss him already, but we’ll see him again someday soon!”
“An indelible mark has been placed on this world as well as on Moody through the incredible life and ministry of George Sweeting,” said Dr. Mark Jobe, 10th president of Moody Bible Institute. “His legacy is marked by a deep love for his family, the Church, and the transformative power of the Gospel. While we mourn with his family and those whose lives were touched by him, we echo the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4 that we do so with hope, knowing he is in the presence of the Lord and we will be reunited with him one day.”
Moody Radio will air a 1-hour special, Dr. George Sweeting: A Tribute, on Saturday, September 14, at 3 pm CT across its network of stations and select affiliates. More information, including a 5-minute audio feature and sermon clips of Dr. Sweeting, can be found atwww.moodyradio.org/sweeting.
For Moody’s full reflection on the life and legacy of Dr. Sweeting, please visit our official news web page at www.moodybible.org/news/2024/honoring-george-sweeting.
About Moody Publishers
Moody Publishers is a nonprofit Christian publishing house founded by D.L. Moody in 1894 to make affordable Christian books available to everyone. Originally known as the Bible Institute Colportage Association, Moody Publishers has grown to include more than 300 million books being distributed in 71 languages and more than 130 countries, spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth, as well as award-winning fiction. Moody Publishers is home to renowned authors such as Gary Chapman, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Tony Evans, Erwin Lutzer, J. Oswald Sanders, Juli Slattery, and A.W. Tozer. For more information on Moody Publishers, please visit www.moodypublishers.com.
About Moody Bible Institute
Moody Bible Institute is a higher education and media ministry that equips people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through Gospel‐centered living. Through its undergraduate school and seminary, Moody trains the next generation of Christian leaders, and is the world’s leading producer of Christian content with Moody Radio and Moody Publishers. Please visit www.moodybible.org.